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【 Exhibitor Recommendation 】 Wuhan City Investment Group urban resources development section -- oper

hits:1065   addtimes:2023-04-28


From May 9 to 11, 2023, the fourth Smart City and Smart Construction Industry Expo and Smart City and Smart Construction High-end Forum will be held in Han, during the exhibition will be held in Wuhan state-owned assets special exhibition and exchange activities, focusing on Wuhan state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises reform results to enhance the influence, visibility and reputation of enterprises.

This issue introduces the urban resources development section of Wuhan City Investment Group

UCI&D Urban Resoures Development



The urban resource development sector is the support sector for the development of Wuhan City Investment Group, an important starting point for the group to cultivate independent management ability, improve hematopoietic ability, promote market-oriented transformation and achieve sustainable development, and is one of the main sources of future operating cash flow of Wuhan City Investment Group.

Urban resource development is a comprehensive development and operation sector and property services including the whole life cycle of asset management. Guided by economic benefits, it designs diversified profit models by grasping core links such as "development, management and operation" and realizes a new pattern of mutual support, resource sharing and coordinated development. Among them, land comprehensive development is an important business to support the group's performance growth and profit creation, the main carrier to promote the coordinated development of urban construction tasks and operational businesses, the platform for land reserve and land value enhancement, and the main orientation of Wuhan Urban Construction Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd. in the "14th Five-Year Plan" development strategy and planning with scale and efficiency. Asset management is a platform for the integration, operation and maintenance, service, operation and management of urban operational assets and resources. Through providing diversified value-added services, asset value is enhanced, business transformation is explored, and sustainable development of the Group is achieved. Property services are quality and efficiency oriented, through the integration of internal resources, improve the quality of basic services, and develop value-added services, build a high-quality brand of property services, and at the same time, support the brand and quality of the Group's real estate business.

Manxin Hotel


Yangtze River coast railway headquarters


Wuhan National Expo City


Source: Wuhan City Investment Group

Editor: Yang Wei

Final Verdict: Zhu Yi

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