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【 Exhibitor Recommendation 】 Hubei Jianke Technology Group -- Design empowers intelligent building f

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From May 30 to June 1, 2024, the fifth Smart City and Smart Construction Industry Expo and Forum will be held in Wuhan International Expo Center, which gathers the top wisdom and innovation strength of the industry event, will bring the latest industry-related achievements and trends to the public.

This expo will present an exhibition area of 30,000 square meters and set up three theme venues, focusing on the core issues of smart city and smart construction. The event will attract participants from 13 provinces and cities across the country, covering the latest developments in 17 cities and states, with the joint support of 27 associations, and is honored to invite more than 10 academicians to participate, as well as more than 300 industry leading enterprises to participate.

The exhibitor to be introduced in this issue is Hubei Jianke Technology Group.


Company introduction

Hubei Jianke Technology Group (hereinafter referred to as "Jianke Group") has been deeply engaged in the engineering industry for more than 20 years, and has now become a large national digital engineering group with complete Grade A qualifications, complete industrial chain, wide industry coverage and strong research and development strength in the field of domestic modernization engineering construction! A number of projects have won the National Quality Engineering Award and the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Hubei Province. Anchoring digitalization and technological innovation, the Group has created a number of digital products based on the new generation of information technology such as spatial information, Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence.


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➤ National high-tech enterprises

➤ National engineering cost consulting AAA enterprises

➤ Excellent survey and design unit marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of China

Hubei Province outstanding contribution construction enterprises

Hubei Province focuses on cultivating enterprises in the construction industry

➤ Hubei Province engineering design and construction dual qualification focus on cultivating enterprises

Hubei Province construction industry head wild goose planning enterprise

➤ Wuhan listed reserve "golden seed" enterprises

➤ Standing director of Wuhan Design City Promotion Center

➤ Elected as the vice president of China Light Industry Engineering Construction Association and other industry associations

➤ Won the Outstanding Enterprise of Hubei Province (Golden Crane Award)

➤ It has been ranked in the top 100 list of Hubei Province for more than 10 consecutive times


Keeping up with the national key strategy, Jianko Group takes "China · Optical Valley" as the hinterland, 9 subsidiaries and more than 40 branches across the country as the strength point, anchoring industrial digitalization and scientific and technological innovation, relying on BIM, GIS, IoT, digital twin and other information means. Form a number of digital products based on the new generation of information technology such as spatial information, Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence. For the project to provide investment, consulting, survey, planning, design, cost, project management, project contracting, whole process engineering consulting, supervision, new surveying and mapping, geological disaster control, engineering testing, overseas project contracting, including the whole industry chain integration solutions and put into practice. It has formed an industry-wide service network based on central China, radiating the whole country and moving toward internationalization.


Exhibition highlights

In this exhibition, Jianke Group showed four exhibition areas and the following highlights around the whole cycle of construction engineering intelligence, welcome leaders and peer inspection guidance!

Smart site display area

Through the comprehensive application of geographic information, UAV aviation, Internet of things, big data and other technologies, the establishment of the ground up, two and three dimensional integrated smart site solution. Through the deployment of the UAV airport at the construction site, the all-weather regular inspection of the construction site can be realized, and the overall status and construction progress of the construction project can be mastered. By arranging monitoring equipment such as inclinometer, dynamometer and temperature meter, the site signs and indicators are collected in real time, and timely monitoring and early warning evaluation is carried out to ensure the site operation safety. Through video surveillance, 7×24 hours to grasp the site situation, assist fine construction and remote supervision. Truly achieve comprehensive, full time, three-dimensional site intelligent management, improve the quality and efficiency of construction, ensure construction safety.


Construction of full-cycle digital exhibition area

In response to the "artificial intelligence +" strategy, we have created three sections: intelligent design, integration of design and construction, and intelligent operation and maintenance.

(1) Intelligent design: We combined the large model of artificial intelligence language, geospatial information, and natural environment elements to build a large model of architectural design. Through the location of the project, designers can quickly obtain the basic information of the construction area, architectural design elements and styles, required reference standards and specifications, etc., to assist designers to quickly carry out design preparation.


(2) Integration of design and construction: In order to better promote the general contracting project and improve the level of information cooperation among the participants, we have developed an integrated design and construction platform to open up the design, construction, procurement and other links... To achieve a set of data, a unified platform, support N business applications of the project general contracting construction mode.


(3) Intelligent operation and maintenance: In the operation and maintenance management stage, BIM, Internet of Things and other technologies are used to build a smart building platform to realize the management of equipment, energy, energy consumption, safety and other aspects, which can see through the thematic information of the building, establish digital files of equipment and assets, and assist in security drills to improve the safety of the building.


Smart city comprehensive exhibition area

By applying geographic information, new surveying and mapping, aerial photography and other technologies, integrating 3D terrain, 3D geology and other information models, and connecting to BIM data of underground pipe network, road and building, the CIM platform of the park-level smart city has been independently developed to realize the analysis functions of geographic entity query, viewable area analysis, skyline analysis, scheme comparison and selection, and to support scenario-level simulation and calculation. Provide data base for urban smart construction, management and operation.


On this basis, the intelligent application was carried out, and the CIM base of the park was integrated with the BIM model of the water plant to create a digital twin water plant, which assisted the park inspection and equipment management, supported the design and simulation of the process flow, and realized the intelligent operation and management of water. It is also explored and applied in scenarios such as smart residential areas and smart urban management.


VR experience area

This VR digital office area (digital factory) product, through the BIM model and VR technology, digital twin technology integration, so that users immersive, in the digital twin environment to achieve equipment control, operation simulation, route planning, emergency plan simulation, remote equipment operation training.



May 30 - June 1

Wuhan International Expo Center


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