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【 Exhibitor promotion 】Wuhan Tianshi Construction Engineering Co., LTD | to create the beauty of arc

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From May 9 to 11, 2023, the fourth Smart City and Smart Construction Industry Expo and Smart City and Smart Construction High-end Forum will be held in Han, during the exhibition will be held in Wuhan state-owned assets special exhibition and exchange activities, focusing on Wuhan state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises reform results to enhance the influence, visibility and reputation of enterprises.

This issue introduces Wuhan Tianshi Construction Engineering Co., LTD.


Wuhan Tianshi Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. belongs to Wuhan Chengtou Real Estate Group. It is a "double-level" state-owned enterprise with first-level general contracting of construction projects and first-level qualification of cultural relics protection projects. With a registered capital of 50 million yuan, the company has more than 40 years of experience in the construction and maintenance of houses, ancient buildings and cultural preservation buildings, and has participated in the maintenance and protection projects of modern and modern cultural relics in Wuhan for many times, making positive contributions to the revitalization and prosperity of Wuhan's historical and cultural taste and cultural relics protection.

The company has passed the quality management system, environmental management system, occupational health and safety management system integrated management system demonstration. For many consecutive years, it has been rated as the provincial and municipal advanced building construction enterprise, the advanced safety production enterprise, the provincial and municipal "contract, credit" enterprise, and the "AAA" grade reputable enterprise in the construction industry in Wuhan. The company has gathered a large number of outstanding talents with professional knowledge of cultural protection and renovation, construction and modern enterprise management knowledge, perfect organizational structure, sound management system and reasonable personnel allocation. The company now has 33 professional and technical personnel with professional qualification, 1 Wuhan technical expert, 1 Wuhan Dacheng craftsman, 16 patents for invention and utility model, 1 provincial construction method, and was awarded the title of "the fifth batch of specialized and special small and medium-sized enterprises in Hubei Province" in 2023, and has been recognized as a national high-tech enterprise.

Adhering to the corporate mission of "creating the beauty of architecture and inheriting historical civilization", Tianshi Architecture actively contributes its corporate strength and has the courage to assume social responsibility. Tanhualin, Doujiaying, City Wall Museum, the "Five Major" conference site renovation project of Wuchang Historical core area, the Holy Teaching Bureau, the size of the Ba Gong House, the former residence of Song Qingling in Hankou, the former site of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the former site of the August 7th Conference, and the repair project of Security Foreign firms; At the same time, actively expand the city's foreign language preservation market, undertake Jingzhou Ying City ancient site, Anlu City Catholic Church renovation project and other cultural preservation projects; Completed the Lijing Liangdu, Lichuan Litianxia, Guobo C4, D14 block, the first phase of City Alliance Tou Jiang South Bank, City Tou · Four new light, Wuhan City three-dimensional technology research Building, the city Traffic Management Bureau Wangjiawan comprehensive business building and other new projects. In addition, it contracted the maintenance and renovation projects of the provincial special Communication Bureau Building 5, the Municipal government Building 7-9, the Municipal Democratic Party Building, the Municipal Women's Federation building, the Municipal Public Security Bureau anti-fraud center, and the real estate transaction building. The project has won various honors such as "Yellow Crane Tower Award for Construction Engineering" and "Wuhan Safety and Quality Standardization Demonstration Site" in Wuhan for many times, and has been affirmed and praised by provincial and municipal leaders at all levels.

The company's cultural preservation and renovation innovation studio consists of ancient architecture exhibition area, modern exhibition area, achievement exhibition area, exchange and discussion area, publicity area and learning area, practical operation base and teaching and training base. The studio is led by senior engineers and responsible engineers of national cultural relics construction. A group of experts and scholars such as responsible engineers of cultural relics and professors, doctors and senior engineers of Huazhong University of Science and Technology are invited to serve as expert advisers, bringing together the old generation of skilled craftsmen such as wood products production, painting technology, exterior wall restoration, traditional technology, master's students in the new era, professional and technical backbone, etc., forming a professional and technical team of more than 20 people. The four innovation groups of wood products production group, painting technology group, exterior wall restoration group and carving technology group have been established to refine and innovate ancient building restoration technology and construction methods in the form of continuous innovation in personnel training and exchange and discussion activities, and gradually improve the traditional architectural theoretical literacy and protection and repair operation skills of young workers. In September 2020, Tianshi Company Wenbao Repair innovation Studio has been named by the City Federation of Trade Unions and the City Investment Group trade Union, and won the honorary title of "Employee (model worker, artisan) innovation studio" and "Wenbao Repair Studio". In November 2022, the studio won the honorary title of "Wuhan Demonstration Workers (model workers, artisans) Innovation Studio". In January 2023, the "Historical Building Qingshui Wall Restoration Construction Law" organized by Tianshi Company was certified by the provincial construction Law of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hubei Province.

The company has won a good social reputation and a broad space for development by virtue of the architectural concept of "repairing the ancient and building the present, happy living and people's safety" and the service tenet of "integrity and stability, excellence". Looking forward to the future, Tianshi Architecture will continue to carry forward the spirit of artisans, build blueprints, build dreams, and write a new chapter of Tianshi architecture!


Tanhualin is located in the west of Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, adjacent to the Wuchang Campus of Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is located between the north foot of Huayuan Mountain and the south foot of Crab Cape (also known as Chengcheng Mountain) within the city wall, and runs east to west along with the two mountains. Historically, Tanhualin refers to the eastern section connected with the exit of Gejia Camp. In 1946, Wuchang local authorities merged Zhengwei Street and Youjia Lane west of the exit of Gejia Camp into the collective name of Tanhualin, and its street name has been followed until now. Now Tanhualin Street Wuchang Garden Hill north, south of Fenghuang Mountain, east from Zhongshan Road, west to Shengqiao, a total length of 1200 meters, is Ming Hongwu four years (1371) Wuchang City expansion after the gradual formation of an old street.

In February 2019, Tanhualin was repaired by Wuhan Tianshi Construction Engineering Co., LTD., creating a new model of elegant revival, gathering vitality, setting off dreams, and achieving a good place for literary and artistic youth to "explore the journey", which makes people can't help but taste and get close.


Five congresses of the Communist Party of China

The site of the fifth Congress of the Communist Party of China, located in Wuchang Du Fudi Street No. 20, formerly Wuchang Higher Normal Affiliated Primary School, was built in 1918, April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup d 'etat in Shanghai. Half a month later, from April 27 to May 9, 1927, the fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held here. It was at this critical juncture that the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China held an important meeting, which was also the only National Congress of the Party held in Wuhan, and became an important link in the process of exploring the path of Chinese revolution.

In November 2020, the five congress sites of the Communist Party of China were repaired by Wuhan Tianshi Construction Engineering Co., LTD., which further continued the red blood line, inherited the red gene, highlighted the characteristics of The Times, and played the role of a patriotic education base.


No. 8 Qingdao Road (Baoan Foreign Company)

No. 8 Qingdao Road (Baoan Foreign Company) Wenbao Building renovation project is located at the corner of Qingdao Road and Dongting Street, No. 8 Qingdao Road, Jiangan District, Wuhan. It is a Grade II excellent historical building in Wuhan. Security firm was built in 1915, belongs to baroque style classical architecture, in 1910, the British security insurance company set up security firm in Han, mainly engaged in various insurance businesses. After the suspension of the foreign firm in 1922, the building changed owners several times and underwent many repairs and experienced many vicissitudes.

In December 2020, the security firm was repaired by Wuhan Tianshi Construction Engineering Co., LTD. Over the years, this century-old building has become a boutique resort and continues to witness the vigorous development of the city of Wuhan.


Hankou All China Federation of Trade Unions

Hankou All China Federation of Trade Unions is located in Youyi Street, Jiangan District, Wuhan, China,Composed of the former site of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the former site of the Hubei Federation of Trade Unions, and the old Residence of Comrades, the memorial hall records a glorious red history of the Chinese workers' movement in Wuhan. Wuhan is one of the main birthplaces of the Chinese workers' movement.

On February 11, 1927, according to the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions officially moved north from Guangzhou to Wuhan, opening a new stage of the Chinese workers' movement.  For the first time, the workers' movement formed a magnificent situation on a national scale, in response to one another, and came to the forefront of the revolutionary struggle against imperialism and feudalism throughout the country.


In January 2022, Hankou All-China Federation of Trade Unions was repaired by Wuhan Tianshi Construction Engineering Co., LTD., which reappeared over a hundred years and comprehensively reproduced the history of the workers' movement under the leadership of the Communist Party of China during the Wuhan Revolution.


Site of the 87 Conference

The site of the 87 Conference, based on the former site of the 87 Conference, is part of a row of Western-style apartments built by the British in the ninth year of the Republic of China (known as "Jidaine New House"), now located in No.139, Poyang Street, Hankou, Wuhan, Hubei Province, on August 7, 1927, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held an emergency meeting in Hankou, known as the "87 Conference". The site of the August 7th Conference is an important carrier to record this historical event, witnessing the first great turning point in the history of the Communist Party of China, and playing an important role in the education of party history, patriotism and revolutionary tradition.

In July 2022, the site of the August 7th Conference was repaired by Wuhan Tianshi Construction Engineering Co., LTD. Today, the Memorial Hall of the 87 Conference site has become the most famous red education base in Wuhan, carrying and inheriting the spirit and will of the revolutionary martyrs.


Source: Tianshi Architecture

Editor: Yang Wei

Final Verdict: Angjie Wang

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