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【 Exhibitor Recommendation 】 Wuhan Cultural Tourism Group Co., LTD

hits:1154   addtimes:2023-04-13


From May 9 to 11, 2023, the fourth Smart City and Smart Construction Industry Expo and Smart City and Smart Construction High-end Forum will be held in Han, during the exhibition will be held in Wuhan state-owned assets special exhibition and exchange activities, focusing on Wuhan state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises reform results to enhance the influence, visibility and reputation of enterprises.

This exhibition is the first collective appearance of state-owned enterprises in Wuhan after the Party's 20th Congress, which will fully demonstrate the characteristics and highlights of enterprises in serving urban construction, enhancing urban functions, improving urban quality, boosting economic development, promoting industrial transformation, and ensuring the service of people's livelihood.

This issue introduces Wuhan Culture and Tourism Group Co., LTD.


Wuhan Cultural Tourism Group Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Wuhan Cultural Tourism Group") is a municipal party committee and municipal government in order to deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, further promote the integrated development of cultural tourism, and vigorously enhance the strength of cultural industry, integrating the assets and resources of Wuhan Tourism Sports Group Co., LTD., Wuhan Cultural Investment and Development Group Co., LTD., Wuhan Wenxing State-owned Cultural Assets Management Co., LTD. The establishment of a municipal state-owned enterprise.

By integrating city-owned cultural tourism and sports resources, Wuhan Cultural Tourism Group has formed business segments such as cultural industry investment and operation, tourism industry investment and operation, and sports industry investment and operation, covering culture, tourism, sports, exhibition, health care, performing arts and other fields. Wuhan Cultural Tourism Group is committed to creating a number of cultural tourism business cards with Wuhan characteristics and cultural heritage, and forming an influential cultural tourism brand. To build a national first-class cultural tourism leading enterprise, help build a strong cultural city, show the image of the city, and better meet the new expectations of the people's spiritual and cultural life.

Wuhan Cultural Tourism Group has undertaken a number of key cultural tourism projects such as the renovation of Hankou historical style area and the renovation and construction of Wuhan Opera Art Center. Construction and operation of Central China's first "National digital publishing base" Zhigu Cultural Industry Park, Optics Valley Intellectual Property International Cooperation Center, Optics Valley International New cultural e-sports center, Meta-Universe Perfect World Cultural and Creative Park, Tiangong Digital Film Factory and other major cultural park projects; It has created a number of well-known cultural tourism brands at home and abroad, such as the Yangtze River Light Show, Zhiyin Number, Night on the Yellow Crane Tower, Huangpi Mulan Cultural City; A number of brand cultural and tourism activities and events with great social influence and popularity have been held, such as the Wuhan Marathon, the 36th Public Film Hundred Flowers Award, Wuhan Tennis Open, the 14th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Wetlands, China (Wuhan) Cultural and Tourism Expo, Wuhan International Automobile Exhibition, and Chinese Youth Film Week. He has produced a series of film and television masterpieces that tell the story of Wuhan and publicize the image of Wuhan's heroic city, such as "Chinese Doctor" and "No Spring will not Come", and won major awards such as "Five and one Project Award". It has successively won the first and second "Top Ten Cultural Enterprises in Hubei Province", becoming the only state-owned enterprise in Wuhan that has won this honor. It has successively won the "Top 100 Excellent Service Industries" in Hubei Province and Wuhan City, significantly enhancing the image of Wuhan city, promoting the economic and social development of Wuhan, and achieving both social and economic benefits.

Presentation mode

To create "the most authentic setting", "the most beautiful corner", "the most immersive punching", "the most technological experience" and other four features, including the group's latest achievements in culture, tourism, sports, business, festivals and other sectors, to create a growth history of the group's development, a documentary of the group's culture, and a promotional film of the Group's brand.


Presentation form

➪"The most authentic setting" : to create the most ecological leisure area, the most dynamic sports area, the most historical cultural area, and the most changeable performing arts area in the exhibition area with the form of scene-oriented exhibition;

➪"The most beautiful corner" : The typical landmark building of Hankou historical style area - Ba Gong House, to create the real landmark of the exhibition area;


➪"The most immersive punch" : Through the design of a multi-level stage screen, the representative cultural brand achievements of Wuhan are vividly displayed.


➪"The most scientific and technological experience" : a series of scientific and technological innovation exhibitions, such as nakeye 3D curved flexible screen, immersive light and shadow, audio-visual display, running interaction, etc.


Presentation content

➤Immersive display: Zhiyin number, public hundred Flowers Award, e-sports competition, Mulan Culture City, "The Book of Mountains and Seas" live performance;

➤Scene display: Bagong House, Optics Valley Future Village, East Lake Greenway, East Lake Beach;

➤Audio-visual display: People's Paradise, Daikanyama Library, Shangri-La Hotel, New World Hotel, Fengmaung Andi Hotel, Alila East Lake Project, Lee Kee Ferry;

Fun interactive exhibition: Wuhan Marathon - Running interaction + light belt sensing;




Source: Wuhan Wentravel Group

Editor: Yang Wei

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