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【 Exhibitor promotion 】Wulan Group | intelligent new, green moving future

hits:1058   addtimes:2023-04-12


From May 9 to 11, 2023, the fourth Smart City and Smart Construction Industry Expo and Smart City and Smart Construction High-end Forum will be held in Han, during the exhibition will be held in Wuhan state-owned assets special exhibition and exchange activities, focusing on Wuhan state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises reform results to enhance the influence, visibility and reputation of enterprises.

This issue introduces the Wulan Group.


Wuhan Gas and Heat Group Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Wulan Group) was established in 2001 with a registered capital of 570 million yuan. By the end of 2022, the group's total assets reached 8.027 billion yuan and nearly 4,000 employees, ranking among the top 100 service enterprises in Wuhan.

At present, Wulan Group is responsible for more than two-thirds of the city's natural gas market supply, more than 2.9 million pipeline natural gas users under its jurisdiction, more than 10,000 kilometers of urban gas pipeline network, the annual gas supply scale of about 1.6 billion cubic meters. There are 120,000 liquefied petroleum gas users, with an annual gas supply of more than 60,000 tons. It has 1 CNG filling mother station and 6 filling sub-stations.

While vigorously promoting the development of the main business, the business scope of Wulan Group also covers asset operation; New energy industry research and development; Gas thermal engineering design, general contracting; Production, sales and testing of gas measuring instruments; Gas equipment manufacturing and maintenance services.

Wulan Group has been deeply engaged in the industry for 20 years, deeply implemented the national innovation-driven development strategy, vigorously promoted "smart gas", and now has 3 state-level high-tech enterprises and more than 200 types of intellectual property rights. As the largest comprehensive supplier of energy industry in Central China, Wulan Group has always shouldering the corporate mission of "serving the public and improving the quality of life", adhering to the business philosophy of "heart for heart, change for change, Qi for Qi", and constantly practicing the service tenet of "Everything for customers, for all customers, for all customers". It has played an important role in ensuring the development of the city's economy, society and people's livelihood, improving air quality, increasing the proportion of clean energy consumption, optimizing the business environment (obtaining gas), and fighting the epidemic and flood control.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Wuhan Group will focus on the strategic positioning of Wuhan to build a national central city and a core city of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, fully practice the role of city-owned energy enterprises, focus on the dual main business strategy of "gas (energy) +, asset operation +", and take "reform leading, technology enabling, wisdom collaboration, and efficient co-creation" as the work theme. To contribute to Wuhan's high-quality economic development. 


▲Transmission and distribution layout


▲Natural gas dispatching center


▲Gas station


▲Ansan LNG storage facility


▲Liquefied petroleum gas Hankou bottling plant


▲Blue Flame charging station


▲Military games torch gas supply guarantee

Third party construction intelligent monitoring and management system

With the continuous development of the city, the number of construction projects has increased sharply, and the large investment of various construction machinery has accelerated the construction progress, but also brought a huge threat to the safe operation of the urban underground pipe network, and the difficulty of security protection has been increasing. Through the combination of the third-party construction intelligent monitoring and management system based on vibration ground nail, ultrasonic ground nail, settlement displacement monitoring, personnel equipment positioning, intelligent high-definition probe and on-site personnel monitoring, the risk of third-party construction can be effectively controlled in the bud, and the safety factor of the pipeline can be greatly improved. In the evaluation of the production safety prevention and emergency rescue capacity building project of the Municipal Emergency Bureau in 2022, the third-party construction intelligent monitoring and management system won the first place.


▲Wuhan hundred miles Yangtze River ecological corridor


Safe and Smart kitchen - protect safety, wisdom and comfort

The safe smart kitchen project takes the gas leak alarm as the indoor intelligent control terminal to realize the linkage control of the NB-IoT iot smart gas meter, smart stove, smart window opener and range hood in the kitchen. When the gas leak alarm detects that the gas concentration exceeds the set value and triggers the alarm, the NB-IoT smart gas meter will immediately close the valve of the watch, the smart stove will automatically extinguish the fire protection, the smart window opener will automatically trigger the window opening instruction for ventilation and ventilation, the oil hood will automatically open the exhaust function, and the gas leak alarm will give SMS and phone prompts. Inform the user of the emergency situation in the home, so as to facilitate the customer to make timely disposal, so as to avoid the occurrence of gas dedetonation accidents and ensure the safety of the user's gas.

Among them, the NB-loT iot smart gas meter independently developed by Wufan Group can use the public wireless network platform to enable the meter to have remote meter reading, remote valve control, remote meter status reporting, remote billing adjustment, automatic step pricing and other functions, which can complete the various needs of the gas meter management of the gas company, and the meter has the online real-time recharge function. It solves the "last kilometer" problem that needs to go out after gas recharge, and users can enjoy various convenient services brought by smart gas without leaving home, greatly improving the user experience.


Smart Comfort Home project

In addition to ensuring the safety and stability of users' gas use, Wulan Group is also committed to establishing a safe, intelligent, healthy and comfortable home life concept for customers, carefully choosing safe and reliable heating, clothes dryer, gas appliances, central air conditioning, water treatment, fresh air, smart lock and other products, one-stop for customers to solve air, temperature, water, safety and other problems. Meet the personalized customized needs of different customers, and provide convenient and all-round protection for customers' comfortable life.


Hydrogen utilization - the world recognized as the ultimate energy solution

Hydrogen energy is the world recognized as the ultimate energy solution. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have the advantages of long driving range, high power performance, short fuel filling time, zero emission and no pollution, and renewable fuel. Baiyushan Hydrogen refueling Station is the first hydrogen refueling station in Wuhan built by Wuhan Group for Baowu Qingneng Wuhan Company with the latest technical specifications and general contract mode. It adopts stainless steel hydrogen pipeline with nickel content greater than 12%. At the same time, this hydrogen refueling station is the first hydrogen refueling station in Qingshan District and the first non-sky-mounted hydrogen refueling station of Baowu Group Clean Energy Company. It is the first hydrogen refueling station in China to consider the ventilation requirements of the canopy.


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