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【 Exhibitor promotion 】Wuhan Public Transport Group | Smart bus makes travel better

hits:1047   addtimes:2023-04-12


From May 9 to 11, 2023, the fourth Smart City and Smart Construction Industry Expo and Smart City and Smart Construction High-end Forum will be held in Han, during the exhibition will be held in Wuhan state-owned assets special exhibition and exchange activities, focusing on Wuhan state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises reform results to enhance the influence, visibility and reputation of enterprises.

This exhibition is the first collective appearance of state-owned enterprises in Wuhan after the Party's 20th Congress, which will fully demonstrate the characteristics and highlights of enterprises in serving urban construction, enhancing urban functions, improving urban quality, boosting economic development, promoting industrial transformation, and ensuring the service of people's livelihood.

This issue introduces Wuhan Public Transport Group.


Wuhan Public Transport Group Co., Ltd. is a wholly state-owned company funded by Wuhan Municipal People's Government. It has 14 secondary subsidiaries, 4 secondary wholly-owned subsidiaries and 1 holding company. It has 558 bus lines (including trams), with a total length of 8,906.14 kilometers of bus lines and 2768.52 kilometers of bus network. There are 8,466 buses (of which 6,834 are new energy buses, accounting for 80.7% of the total number of buses), 1,507 taxis, and 21 trams.


▲Wuhan Bus Group headquarters


▲Wuhan public transport pure electric new energy vehicles


▲Wuhan buses have trams


▲Wuhan bus Tmall car shop

Smart bus, very convenient travel

Wuhan Public Transport uses information technology to help public transport smart travel, leading the new trend of digital public transport. In recent years, Wuhan Public Transportation is committed to building an intelligent bus system, building an intelligent perception system integrating scheduling, communication and security, and gradually realizing intelligent transformation in bus information query, convenient payment for rides, scientific operation scheduling, real-time dynamic monitoring and other aspects, so that more citizens can feel and share the dividends of smart travel. In the next step, Wuhan Public Transportation will further integrate static and dynamic traffic data resources such as bus network, bus station, bus GPS, bus hub, bus lane, etc. by focusing on cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, raise and upgrade the integrated "digital bus" collaborative system, and comprehensively build an operation command and management network covering the whole area and providing access to all parties.


▲Wuhan bus dispatching command center

Green bus, very clean travel

Wuhan Public Transportation continuously optimizes the energy structure of operating vehicles and promotes the continuous landing of the goal of "double carbon energy saving and green travel". In 2022, the group introduced 1,800 new energy buses, all updated new energy vehicles reached 6834 units, accounting for 80.7% of the operating vehicles, especially the online operation of 51 hydrogen energy buses, covering Zhuankou, Junshan New City, Hannan and other far urban areas, with low operating noise, comfortable riding, zero emissions and zero pollution characteristics. Well received and recognized by the people. It is estimated that compared with traditional cars and diesel vehicles, the carbon dioxide emission reduction of new energy vehicles can reach 30 tons/unit/year, bringing a more comfortable and healthy green experience to passengers.


▲Hydrogen buses are ready to go in Wuhan Economic Development Zone

Safe bus, extremely protective travel

Wuhan Public Transport goes all out to protect the safe travel of the people and constantly consolidate the cornerstone of safe public transport construction. At present, the whole process security control system has been built, which integrates driver pre-duty status recognition, vehicle operation online monitoring, remote real-time scheduling and monitoring, and vehicle security intelligent terminal. The "pre-job security comprehensive self-service machine" can integrate face recognition, alcohol detection, blood pressure measurement and other intuitive data to comprehensively evaluate the safety status of drivers before they start work; The "safe driving warning system" can accurately identify 13 abnormal behaviors of drivers such as closing eyes and yawning, effectively monitor 5 abnormal states such as vehicle lane departure and intersection speeding, and synchronously issue early warning tips; The "Digital Guard" vehicle intelligent terminal equipment can realize the "one code pass brush" of health code, ride code and Wuhan Pass. By building a comprehensive intelligent security protection system, we can effectively ensure the safety of public travel.


▲Self-security check before the driver's post

Source: Wuhan Public Transport Group

Editor: Yang Wei

Final verdict: Yang Jiancheng

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