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The 5th Smart City and Smart Construction Industry Expo and Forum will open in Wuhan

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  China new net Hubei news May 23 (Li Xuantong) From May 30 to June 1, the fifth Smart City and Smart Construction Industry Expo (referred to as "Double Wisdom Expo") and forum will be held in Wuhan International Expo Center, focusing on the top wisdom and innovation strength of smart city and smart construction industry, will bring the latest achievements and trends related to the industry.

  “Since its inception in 2019, the "Double Wisdom" Expo has been successfully held for four times. As an industry event with a higher scale and wider influence since its inception, the current "Double Wisdom" Expo will present an exhibition area of 60,000 square meters, set up three theme venues, and attract participants from 13 provinces and cities across the country, covering the latest development of 17 cities and states. It was jointly supported by 27 associations and invited more than 10 academicians to participate, as well as more than 300 industry leading enterprises to participate in the exhibition.

  With the rapid development of smart city and smart construction industry, "Double wisdom" Expo has gradually become one of the most influential and authoritative exhibitions in the industry, and its exhibition scale and industry influence have expanded year by year, and it has now become the only smart city and smart construction theme exhibition in China that has obtained UFI certification. This also represents that the exhibition has reached the international leading level in terms of internationalization, specialization and branding.

  The participation of central enterprises in Hubei not only brings the latest technologies, products and solutions in the field of intelligent construction and smart city, but also adds authority and professionalism to the exhibition, and is a positive affirmation and support for the development of intelligent construction and smart city.

  State-owned enterprises as the "double wisdom" Expo has always been the core sector, Hubei joint investment, Wuhan city investment, Wuhan city construction and other 21 provinces and cities state-owned enterprises actively respond, new concepts, new technologies, new products, new applications will be concentrated in the exhibition, covering the water economy, smart city, smart construction, smart energy and other key industry fields.

  Wuhan City Investment Group Co., LTD., as the comprehensive operation service provider of Wuhan City, is also one of the organizers of this exhibition, focusing on urban construction, urban service, water economy, comprehensive energy, exhibition service, health care service, New technologies, new scenarios and new applications such as the national metrology data construction application base, the "integration" of urban operation and maintenance, and the CIM platform in the Baisha Binjiang Industrial Integration Area will be displayed.

  Wuhan City Construction, Wuhan City Development and other city-owned platform enterprises will also appear, showing the technical strength, innovation results and project experience in the field of smart city and smart construction, with the help of the exhibition professional platform, to promote the exchange of their own technology in the application of industrial development opportunities.

  As a highlight of the Double Intelligence Expo, the participation of the National Digital Construction Center will add a unique technological color to the conference. At the exhibition site, the National Digital Construction Center will exhibit DTBIM digital main line engine, ACTT shield intelligent control system and other cutting-edge technologies and applications, including practical application cases in the intelligent building industry in cooperation with key enterprises such as China Construction Technology Center, China Railway 11th Bureau, and Guanglida.

  This year's exhibition invited high-tech leading enterprises and more than 200 industry chain enterprises to concentrate on showing scientific and technological innovation achievements.

  With the theme of "Living in the future home", Huawei allows visitors to feel as if they are in the smart home of the future, and the intelligent scene experience at one touch makes people full of expectations for the future of smart home.

  It is reported that the "Double Wisdom" Expo and forum was guided and supported by Wuhan Intelligent Construction Pilot City Construction Work Leading Group Office, sponsored by Wuhan Urban Construction Investment and Development Group Co., LTD., Hubei Construction Industry Association, Hubei Intelligent Construction Industry Cooperation Alliance, co-organized by China Highway Society Traffic Intelligent Construction Branch and Wuhan Exploration and Design Association BIM Professional Committee. Wuhan International Exhibition Group Co., Ltd. hosted more than 300 key enterprises to participate in the exhibition. (over)

2024年05月23日 16:45 Source: China News Network Hubei


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