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Focus on smart city intelligent construction brainstorming

hits:1043   addtimes:2023-05-23

From May 5 to 11, a series of activities such as the 2023 Smart City and Smart Construction High-end Forum, Expo and the Annual meeting of the Intelligent Construction Academic Committee of the Architectural Society of China will be held in Wuhan International Expo Center, aiming to promote the linkage development of smart construction and smart city and build a new pattern of industrial development.

As one of the national smart construction pilot cities, Wuhan has taken the lead in including smart construction as a pillar development industry in the city, focusing on the integration of the construction industry with information technology, industrialization and intelligence, and exploring the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

It is reported that the event is guided by Wuhan Municipal People's Government, Architectural Society of China and other units, and hosted by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan Science and Technology Bureau, National Digital Construction Technology Innovation Center, and Intelligent Construction Academic Committee of Architectural Society of China. Wuhan Hanyang District People's Government, Wuhan Urban Construction Investment and Development Group Co., LTD., Wuhan Digital Construction Industrial Technology Research Institute Co., LTD., Guanglianda Technology Co., LTD. Wuhan Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Promotion Center, China Building Industry Press, Wuhan International Exhibition Group Co., LTD., School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Fro Co-organized by ntiers of Engineering Management.

The symposium will be held on the 5th floor of the Conference Center on May 6. With the theme of "China Builds 2035 High-quality Development", Xie Lili, Qin Shunquan, Zhou Xuhong, Huang Weihe, Niu Xinqiang, Meng Jianmin, Ding Liyun, Lu Chunfang, Xie Xianqi, Gao Zongyu and other academicians and experts of the Chinese Academy of Engineering are invited. The keynote speech focused on the research of China's construction 2035 high-quality development project and related hot issues such as cutting-edge technologies, industrial applications, and talent training.

The exhibition will be held from May 9 to 11 in Hall A1-A4 of the National Expo Center, with a total scale of 40,000 square meters and more than 500 exhibitors, covering key industries such as smart city, smart construction, urban renewal, urban clean energy, smart environmental protection, etc. As an important highlight of this year's exhibition, the "main fleet" of Wuhan state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises will be focused on showing the reform achievements of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and the "main force" role in supporting urban construction, enhancing urban functions, promoting industrial transformation, ensuring people's livelihood services, improving urban quality, and strengthening scientific and technological innovation, highlighting the responsibility of state-owned enterprises.

During the "Double Intelligence Week", the 2023 Wuhan Scientific and technological Achievements transformation and Connection Activity, Smart City and Smart Construction (Metropolitan area) special session, the first Smart Connected vehicle, smart transportation, smart city Integrated Development Summit, smart construction Forum, urban Renewal Forum, digital Enabling construction industry high-quality development Forum, the whole process digital management Forum, will be held. More than 10 thematic forum activities were held, including the Digital Transformation Forum of engineering consulting Enterprises and the International Youth Forum of "Intelligent Construction Frontier - Research and Engineering". At that time, the authoritative views of the industry will be voiced here, and new ideas, new technologies, new products and new applications will be displayed here.

Since its inception in 2019, the Smart City and Smart Construction High-end Forum and Expo have actively offered suggestions for the transformation and upgrading of China's construction industry, promoted the integrated development of industrial and technological innovation in artificial intelligence, smart construction, smart city and other fields, and has become the largest, highest quality, strongest academic authority, and most influential event in the field of smart city and smart construction.

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